Friday, February 1, 2008

29 days of bliss

In an effort to start enjoying more bliss in my life, I'm committing to post on this blog at least once a day for the month of February. Thus the highly creative title, 29 days of bliss. I've got a few things planned but for the most part, I'll just be winging it. Spontaneous bliss is the best bliss.

Like right now... I'm on my way out and I have no idea what to write. So, I'm gonna list the 5 happy things from this week, which wasn't the greatest week. But there are always things there to make you smile, relax, and feel pretty good about life despite it all.

1. Playing spray bottle with my puppy - spray bottle is a new game we invented this week. It involves me chasing my dog around with a spray bottle. He loves it and it is hilarious to see him in his little play stance, wagging his little stump tail at a spray bottle.
2. Talking through LOST with my sweetness - I gave up on LOST mid-way through last season but now that its on date night, I'm giving it another shot. As long as my sweetie doesn't mind me talking through the whole show.
3. Dwell magazine - I'm down to two magazines subscriptions and Dwell is one. Every time I get one in the mail, I get all giddy with excitement and inspired. Someday, I'd like to have a home like the ones in Dwell. And someday, I will.
4. Splurging on Starbucks one extra day - I am trying to watch my spending and one of my new rules is I can only have Starbucks once a week. But I had it twice anyway... because this week called for it.

(oops, rides here... I'll finish later)

5. Spinning quarters with the peeps at the bar - the bartender taught us a neat trick tonight at the bar and it captivated his drunk audience something good.

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