Beyonce again. Do they use her for everything?
This is a long musical number... but my yummy pasta is making up for it.
Another commercial. Oh hey, Sandra Bullock is making romantic comedies again. Surprise.
Another drawn out presentation... Best Supporting Actor: Heath Ledger. This is, I think, only the second time someone has won posthumously.
Thought they were doing the memorial thing now but it is Documentary. It was the music that trixed me.
Man on Wire was amazing... I'm rooting for it to win.
Bill Maher is presenting. Winner: Man on Wire!!
Now they have to drag the frenchman off the stage.
Short Subject Doc: Smile Pinki
These car commercials smack of desperation.
Another montage. They do so much filler on purpose so that I will tire out & have no energy for snark. I know it's true.
Ever notice that the montage movies are mostly not nominated for anything?
Visual Effects: Ben Button
Brad Pitt looks bloated tonight.
Batman 17 just won... sound effects? Was chasing down my dog... sorry.
More Will Smith... did they run out of stars to present?
Sound Mixing: Slumdog
Oh are you kidding me? The fresh prince is presenting another award. Sound sounding? Um, hold on, I will find out. Slumdog just won whatever it was. Uh... film editing.
A tribute to Jerry Lewis coming up? Huh?
Heidi Klum diet coke commercial followed by Tim Gunn Tide commercial. Guess they have to do something while PR is in limbo.
Did they do the dead people montage yet? I'm calling Paul Newman as the finale on that.
Eddie Murphy doing the Jerry Lewis thing. Is this because he has remade 70% of his movies?
Remember when the Labor Day telethon was a huge deal... I remember being at Rolling Acres one Labor Day & they had a whole section in the mall where you could buy stuff & the money went to Jerry's Kids.
That was sort of a lame tribute, Oscars. Way to pull out all the stops.
To finish the Labor Day story, my mom bought a Neil Diamond record she already owned just because the money went to Jerry's Kids. That was sweet of her.
More music. Thought maybe it was time for the big awards. Silly me.
Flipping Zac Efron again? Best Score: Slumdog
There were only three good songs in movies this year? Whatev... two are from Slumdog & the other is from Wall-E.
Original Song: Jai Ho from Slumdog (that's a great soundtrack, btw)
The only justice for having to sit through so much Efron is that he is clearly the new Kevin Bacon. And how much do we have to see him anymore?
Is it just SO obvious what's gonna happen on Brothers & Sisters next week? I think it is.
I like Freida Pinto's dress.
Foreign Language film: Departures (Japan)
Memorial time... wtf? Why is there singing involved in this? OK, I hate the way they're doing this. I don't like the floaty images... it's all very bad.
I think seriously, or hope seriously, that the final four are up next.
Reese Witherspoon in a very bad dress presenting the Best Director.
Winner: Danny Boyle - Slumdog
Best Actress time... I'm guessing there will be 5 presenters again. Yep: Sophia Loren, Shirley Maclaine, Nicole Kidman, Halle Berry & Marion Cotillard.
Winner: Kate Winslet. She really is great in everything, isn't she? It's about time she won this.
I don't like her dress very much.
But she's awesome.
Moving on... best actor.
Presenters: Robert Deniro, Ben Kingsley, Anthony Hopkins, Adrien Brody, Michael Douglas. Nice group. Mickey Rourke is shaking.
Winner: Sean Penn?!?
Mickey Rourke was robbed. Sorry. I hear Penn was great but damn. Not cool, Oscar voters. It was suppose to be Mickey Rourke. Or Richard Jenkins. Didn't you get my memo?
But another Equal Rights shout out so that's cool. And a Mickey Rourke shout out too... OK, Sean Penn. Since you were so nice. Congratulations. I would like to see Milk.
Spielberg presenting Best Picture. I don't like this montage of current nominees mixed in with old winners. It's weird...
Winner: Slumdog Millionaire
Bedtime... See you next year, Oscar!
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