- A night out w/a friend
- Another night out w/friend
- A nightcap on a night out w/another friend
- $2 on evil vending machine brownies
- lunch & latte on Friday (in my defense, I worked through lunch)
- Random gatorade purchase
So, the original essentials list still applies with a limit to groceries (once a week) & an added miscellaneous category (like postage & other little things that pop up). And here are the exceptions:
- entertainment - movies, museums & other activities that add experience to my life, not things (limited to $50 month)
- dinner out (or breakfast or lunch or drinks) with friends or family (limited to once a week)
- charitable contributions ($50 a month... this should have been added originally)
- new brakes (not sure if this should be an exception as not crashing into a tree is probably essential to my life)
- file taxes (also essential to me: not going to jail)
- art/craft supplies (limit $20... have a new project in the works & will need to pick up a couple of things)
- slush fund (limit $20... this is for the occasional treat {latte, lunch when i'm busy, maybe vogue}, it's not for anything else)
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