Friday, October 28, 2011

A little organimazation

Yeah, I spelled that wrong on purpose. It's a thing I do. Hey! Let's take a look at a little organization project I did last weekend, eh? The before...

This is what I call my utility closet. Even though there are no utilities in there. It's in the foyer & it's where I keep my cleaning stuffs (brooms, potions, vacuum). Well, it was where I kept that stuff. Until I had insulation put in & had to move everything out because the attic access is in there. Everything was moved to the 2nd bedroom & there it has sat. For the last year. In the meantime, I have thrown every little project supply I wasn't using at the time in there. And above is the result. The closet before had the typical shelf & rod. In my opinion, this combo rarely makes for a useful closet. And the floor. Which you could no longer see. So the shelf/rod came out and in went some better stuff. The after...

Ooooh! Look at that. Pretty organized stuffs. So, let's talk about what I added. A leaning bookshelf to hold miscellaneous supplies. I had originally planned on buying a new shelf for in here but then I noticed this one that was in my previous home's bathroom. I had no where to put it in this house so I decided to "use what I have" and throw it in here. I may or may not get a couple of basket type things to keep things looking tidier. We'll see. On the wall, I drilled in this handy-dandy broom/mop holder that I bought for $1 at a flea market. Also, I hung up the standard Simple Human plastic bag holder. And the floor, which you can now see, is where the vacuum & Little Green cleaner now live. Not bad, right? It was a quick project. Eventually, I would like to paint the walls & the shelf in there. But that can wait. For now this is all I need...

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